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5 LOW CALORIE Refreshing Summer Drinks

It’s summer. And we all want to enjoy an ice cold refreshing drink.

But to those who want to stay fit, we know that we need to stay within a certain amount of calories each day. And spending our calories on liquids just isn’t always wise. They don’t keep us full for long, and this makes us more likely to eat other foods and end up going past our calorie budget.

That’s why I’m SUPER EXCITED to share with you my 5 EASY-TO-MAKE, low calorie drinks that taste absolutely amazing, and allow you to enjoy summer while still staying fit. Most of these are actually close to 0 calories.

It doesn't mean we can't enjoy our summer with delicious refreshing beverages in order to be fit. We don't have to stick to boring water all the time anymore!


1 | Sprite Zero Mock-jito


  • Sprite Zero

  • Mint leaves

  • Lime

  • Ice


  1. Cut a lime in wedges.

  2. Put ice in a glass.

  3. Squeeze lime juice out of 2 wedges per glass of this drink.

  4. Pour Sprite Zero into the glass.

  5. Put 3-4 mint leaves into the glass.

  6. Garnish with a lime wedge.

2 | Watermelon Lemonade


  • Watermelon

  • Diet Lemonade

  • Ice


  1. Slice a watermelon into 2 cm cubes. Put them in a container and freeze them in the freezer.

  2. Put ice in a glass until half full.

  3. Put frozen watermelon cubes into the glass until full.

  4. Using a blender, make watermelon juice out of watermelon.

  5. Pour watermelon juice into the glass until half full.

  6. Pour Diet Lemonade into the glass until full.

3 | Zen Water


  • Sparkling water

  • Cucumber

  • Lime and/or lemon

  • Mint leaves

  • Ice


  1. Cut a cucumber into thin 1 mm slices.

  2. Cut a lime (and/or lemon) into thin 1 mm slices.

  3. Put ice in a pitcher.

  4. Add mint leaves into the pitcher.

  5. Add cucumber and lime (and/or lemon) slices into the pitcher.

  6. Add sparkling water into the pitcher.

4 | Kiwi Refresher


  • Sprite Zero

  • Lime

  • Kiwi

  • Mint leaves

  • Ice


  1. Peel and cut a kiwi into 1 cm cubes.

  2. Cut a lime into thin 1 mm slices

  3. In a glass, put ice until half full.

  4. Add kiwi and lime into the glass.

  5. Add 3-4 mint leaves into the glass.

  6. Pour Sprite Zero into the glass.

5 | Long-Island Iced Tea (Non-Alcoholic Version)


  • Diet Nestea

  • Coke Zero

  • Orange

  • Lemon

  • Mint leaves

  • Ice


  1. Prepare 2 orange wedges.

  2. Cut a lemon into thin 1 mm slices. Prepare 2-3 slices.

  3. Add ice into a glass.

  4. Squeeze juice into the glass from 2 orange wedges.

  5. Add 2-3 lemon slices into the glass.

  6. Add 3-4 mint leaves into the glass.

  7. Pour Diet Nestea until 2/3 full.

  8. Pour Coke Zero until the glass is full.

Enjoy your summer!

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