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Skinny and Can’t Gain Weight? THIS Is What You Need To Do.

If you’ve been skinny all your life, and you just can’t seem to gain weight consistently, then I got the REAL solution for you.


(After: ~5 months later)

But keep in mind that this isn’t a shortcut. So if you’re looking to gain weight, AND it’s all muscle (not just all fat), and you want to look good at the end, then here’s the truth:


If you want to get fat, then there’s an easier way: Just eat high-calorie foods like crazy.

Now, are we clear? If we’re on the same page, let’s move on.

First things first, you must understand that muscle growth is an EXTREMELY slow process. You won’t see a huge difference in a few weeks, sometimes even months. And it’s NOT because you got the “skinny genes”. That’s how it is for EVERYONE.

Are we clear on that? Good. Let’s begin.

Step 1: You need to make sure you eat enough CALORIES.

Yes. Counting calories isn’t just for fat loss. We need to be objective about this and make sure you’re eating enough. And that means we need to track the foods we eat.

Don’t want to count calories? Well, you already don’t do that. How’s that working out for you so far? I hope my point is clear.

To determine how many calories you need, you need to ask yourself a question:

Do you have your preferred visibility level of ab definition?

If your answer is YES, then your daily calorie intake should be your bodyweight (in lb) multiplied by 15.

If your answer is a NO, then your daily calorie intake is your bodyweight (in lb) multiplied by 11.

Track your daily intake and MAKE SURE you’re eating in the ballpark (+/- 100 cal) of your target calorie.

Step 2: You need to make sure you’re eating enough PROTEIN.

You don’t want your body to be gaining fat when you’re gaining weight, but primarily be gaining MUSCLE mass. And protein tells your body to build muscle over gaining fat.

Take your bodyweight in lb, multiply that by 0.85. That’s how many grams of protein you need each day.

Step 3: You need to do proper WEIGHT TRAINING.

Other than eating enough protein, we obviously need to do proper weight training for our bodies to gain muscle. And weight training is what “stimulates” muscle growth.

To know exactly what exercises to do, you need to know what kind of physique you’re trying to build. Refer to this video when choosing what exercises to do:

You’ll notice that you’re gonna gain weight, but at an extremely slow pace. By slow, I mean 1-2 lb a month (ladies will be on the low end of that).

You might think “Is this really the fastest way already? Am I doing something wrong?”

Again. No.

If your gaining speed is about that, then you’re doing it right. It’s just that if you try to gain faster, it won’t be muscle gain, it’d be fat. Again, the nature of NATURAL muscle gain is just this slow (unless you do performance drugs like steroids, which is outside the scope of what I do).

But BE PATIENT. Know that you’re on the right track, and before you know it, you’ll start to see visible changes to your physique.

FAQ: “Are there any foods specifically that can help me gain muscle faster? Maybe Chicken? Broccoli? Potatoes instead of bread? Etc.”

None. No specific food helps you with that.

The rate at which you gain muscle is purely dictated by calories, protein, and proper training. It doesn’t matter what KIND of food you eat, as long as you eat enough calories and protein.

Of course for health reasons, don’t just eat junk food. Mix healthier options with foods that you absolutely love. But as a fact, for physique change, it won’t matter what food you eat.

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