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I made THESE 8 diet swaps, and lost fat effortlessly.

By now, I hope you understand that calorie deficit is the overarching law that governs fat loss. If you still don’t know this like common sense… c’mon, it’s 2020 (or whatever year it is when you’re reading this). If that’s the case, please check out my other articles first.

Okay so. If you’re having a hard time staying within your calorie target when working in a calorie deficit, then you’ve come to the right place.

I used to look like this:

And today, I look like this:

But I’m sure you DON'T want to:

  1. Eat high-calorie foods and end up eating too many calories,

  2. Sacrifice delicious taste to just eat low-calorie but unappetizing meals, and

  3. Eat less food and be hungry all the time.

The fact is, if you don’t love your food, you will grind away your willpower one day. And the depletion of willpower marks the day you quit.

So today, I’ll share with you 7 swaps that’ll help you reduce the calories in your food, while still maintaining that deliciousness.

These will maximize what I coin the term, "Happiness-to-calorie ratio" (H2C ratio), by maximizing happiness without spending extra calories.

Here we go!


1 | Swap out stir-frying with oil, with a non-stick pan and oil spray.

A typical stir-fry uses about 2-3 tablespoons of oil. That’s 240 - 360 calories. Using a non-stick pan, each second of spraying with oil spray is only 6 calories. Go ahead and spray for a good 3 seconds to cover the pan. That’s still only 18 calories.

By saving those 200-350 calories from each stir-fry, that’s like an extra big bowl of rice, 2-3 slices of bread, a large slice of pizza, or even a slice of cake. Using oil to stir-fry is just not worth your calories!

Here’s an example of a non-stick pan:

And here’s the oil spray that I personally use:

2 | Swap out sugar with 0-calorie sweeteners.

Just a tablespoon of sugar is already about 50 calories! A tablespoon here and there throughout the day, whether that’s used in cooking or in your coffee, can quickly add up. You know what doesn’t add up no matter how many you use?

Zero-calorie sweeteners!

At home, I have this stocked up:

If you’re wondering whether or not sweeteners are harmful, check out my article on that topic in my blog as well.

3 | Swap out fruit juices with actual fruits.

A 16 oz cup of orange juice can be approximately 225 calories. Do you know how many oranges it’d take to make that?

It would take 5 whole oranges to produce that equivalent 225 calories!

It’s easy to drink a cup of orange juice, but I don’t think you’ll be able to enjoyably eat 5 oranges in one go.

4 | Swap out milk with almond milk.

A 250 mL glass of 2% milk is approximately 130 calories. But a 250 mL glass of unsweetened almond milk is only 30 calories!

Try it in coffee. Personally I love it for not only its creamer effect, but it also gives the coffee great nutty fragrance and flavour.

If you want it sweetened, combine your almond milk with swap #2.

5 | Swap out sodas with diet sodas.

A can of Coke is about 140 calories. But a can of Diet Coke is… ZERO! Just like swap #2, it’s self-explanatory.

6 | Swap out sauces and condiments with 0-calorie or low-calorie versions.

Sauces and condiments are a huge one. They make foods taste so much better, yet they always add up to be a lot of calories. Their good taste makes it hard for us to ditch.

Typically, just 2 tablespoons of condiments and sauces can have about 60 - 100 calories!

Well, good news!

We got many condiments out there that are now low-calorie or even 0 calorie! My personal favourite brand of these products is Walden Farms (NOT SPONSORED BY THEM... although I should be). Check them out! You can cook with them, use them as condiments and sauces, fully enjoying the taste of food, all while spending no calories.

Here are all the Walden Farms syrups and sauces that I’ve personally tested already, and they’re DELICIOUS.



Chocolate Syrup:

Maple Walnut Syrup:


Mocha Coffee Creamer:

French Vanilla Coffee Creamer:

Hazelnut Coffee Creamer:


Italian Dressing:

Honey Dijon Sauce:

Sweet Onion Dressing:


Orange Marmalade:

Blueberry Syrup:

Caramel, Blueberry, Strawberry Syrup Pack:

Chocolate Peanut Spread:

7 | Swap out ice cream with low-calorie versions.

Yes! I love ice cream. Especially Haagen-Dazs. That was my childhood.

However, an average 500 mL tub of Haagen-Dazs ice cream has about 1070 calories.

Try a low-calorie ice cream, such as Halo Top.

This 500 mL tub has only 346 calories. That’s about a 68% save in calories for ice cream! HELL YES!

8 | Swap out chocolate bars with protein bars.

The average Snickers bar is about 280 calories, and it gives almost no protein (only 4g).

The average protein bar that has a good protein-to-calorie ratio has about 200 calories, and usually gives about 20g of protein!

HANG ON. Before you say anything, I am well-aware that some protein bars can literally taste like mud. But not all protein bars taste that way. Here are my personal favourites:

PureProtein Variety Pack:

PureProtein Chocolate Peanut Caramel (Taste like a chocolate bar!):

SimplyProtein Variety Pack:

SimplyProtein Double Chocolate:

SimplyProtein Maple Pecan:

SimplyProtein Chocolate Caramel:

SimplyProtein Peanut Butter Chocolat:

SimplyProtein Raspberry Chocolate:

SimplyProtein Coconut:

SimplyProtein Chocolate Coconut:

SimplyProtein Lemon Coconut:

Snicker's Protein Bar:

Mars Protein Bar:


So I hope these swaps can help you stay in your calorie deficit enjoyably and comfortably, all while still enjoying eating your favourite foods. Losing fat and getting lean doesn’t need to be miserable!

IMPORTANT: I am NOT sponsored by any of these products. These links above are affiliate links from Amazon. In terms of the products, they're simply my personally handpicked recommendations, because I've personally tried them, and have worked well with me and my students. So if you would like to try them, it'd be very supportive if you went through my links. Thank you for your support, as I'll continue to do my best to provide the best tips for you all for free.

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